Sunday, 21 July 2013




This July, it shall be your courage, intelligence and your quick wit that would pave the way towards your success. You might want to understand the logic that governs this world-both around you (your friends, family, associates, and colleagues etc.) and the larger world too.

You might experience a gift of words, my dear fishes. You, as well as others who listen to you, might get a feeling that if words alone could do something, you would have single-handedly perfected this entire world. But at the end of the day, it’s not the words that are used to pass the judgment. It’s their impact-the consequence of it all-that stands out. And that is achievable by not just good-sounding words, no matter how well-intended or sincere they are, but putting them to action too.

The conflicts and the whirlwind of events that would follow shall leave you confused and dazed as to what you should do next.
You might get a feeling that everything and everyone is now utterly unreliable-unpredictable to the last degree.
But in actuality it is you who has slowed down-or have been unable to match or increase your pace with the time. So you need to do that. 

Act speedily and you may find yourself either securing an otherwise-impossible opportunity or averting in time an otherwise-definite disaster.

Be careful of what you speak-you are yet to comprehend fully the impact of your words upon anyone or any situation-especially if the former are negative ones.




King of Cups talks about your turning into a stagnant pond, because of holding up to the unresolved past and not let your emotions flow spontaneously.

This card also warns you against a tendency towards being treacherous and secretive, as you’ll be acting self-centered!!

You should also be wary of the bouts of sulking and emotional withdrawal if you don’t have your way. You may also get a temptation of being vengeful and punishing those whom you hold responsible for your negative circumstances. But please stay away from these, as they are strictly against your nature and shall do you no good.
You also need to stay away from alcohol, drugs or any other kind of self-deluding means. You shouldn't resort to deceiving yourself about the reality of life.

The anger pent up inside you needs to be let out for you to regain your emotional balance and your usual, cheerful self.
You would yourself, unconsciously, sabotage your attempts to success by your bitter emotions and pent-up anger and hatred.

For one more thing, it may also represent you trying to act as a peace mediator, trying to bring peace and reconciliation between two factions, but failing to persuade the rivals to come to an understanding.

You need this diplomacy and tact because King of cups tells you that these traits would be of great use to us this July. You’ll find yourselves caught up in a situation; no matter how hard do you try to avoid it, where you shall have to act as a mediator between two opposite parties or factions of a dispute, argument or conflict.
But be warned in advance. The being reversed of this card tells that most probably you would not be able to persuade the above mentioned rivals to come to an understanding or ceasefire at least.
But that doesn’t mean that you should give up or not try. You might still be able to ensure that minimum damage is caused by the conflict or the factions hurt each other the least.

This card also talks of emotional hardships in your own lives this June. But they shouldn’t become your excuse to get sulky or withdraw from people just because certain people didn’t act the way you wanted them to or because your emotional egos are not appeased.
The anger that you’ll feel, and shall try to hide behind apathy and a mild depression, shall need to be vented out through an outlet before your creative energies can flow through your grey matter.
Your success shall be thwarted by none other than your own hidden motives and blocked creativity.
You’ll get into so dark and negative a mood that you might be sabotaging your own attempts at success, subconsciously. And if given a chance, you may do the same to some other person who tries to help us to succeed.
And this is something you shall need to seriously work on avoiding this July.

And one more thing, though you may pride yourselves on the fierce control that you exercise on your emotions but the upcoming month is the time to let your hair down a bit, figuratively.
This over control of feelings could stop us from expressing the truth of your feelings and desires. And this is most undesirable.
This might not only stifle your emotional self and cause the above mentioned anger, apathy and depression but someone who gets to know of this emotional weakness of yours can use this knowledge or emotional blackmail to control us.
This July, it’s time to open up and focus on real wisdom, which means that you might have to accept and be aware of not only your assets and strengths but your weaknesses and liabilities as well. And you should be able to work with the last two, to be really wise. 




OK, my dear rams. I am actually surprised to see this card come up in reference to you. This card is totally against what I have come to expect of you-the Capricornians--from the short experience of Astrological dealings that I have had.

Observe this card's picture given alongside. The figurine, draped in the black cloak (a symbol of mourning) is looking back at the spilled cups-symbolizing what he has lost- while he has no regards for what he still has left to him.


So I think the meaning is pretty much clear. Maybe you’re spending too much time brooding and mulling over the lost things and opportunities-may be painful break-ups, or separations or divorces; or may be complications in other non-romantic relations; or things totally out of emotional circle (like some complications in office or workplace).
This has hindered your vision of the things that are still at your hand.

Thursday, 18 July 2013




Well, well, well. My dear Archers, this one surely does ring a bell-of danger, of course.

The primary indication of The Chariot reversed is that you've become so much engrossed in emotional issues that you stand in a very real danger of losing any clarity of thought that you possess.
This can lead to various unpleasant incidents in your life. For instance, you may have sudden (and most probably violent too) outbursts of temper leading to some otherwise-would-have-been-avoidable skirmishes.
Or else you may end up pouting away first and then misdirecting your anger towards someone who did nothing to call for it. And I can assure you there are a very few of us who take the issue too kindly.

This card emphasizes on the fact that your unwise choices are your biggest enemy-and maybe the cause of all your anger too.
Combine it with the overreaction which you Sagittarians, unfortunately, possess in a most commendable quantity; and a deadly formula for inflicting utter destruction in your lives is handy.


The best advice in such moments would be to retreat to either some safe place, for a while at least, where your outbursts may cause little or no harm; OR to revert to a safe pattern of behavior at least.
For instance, you could try keeping a total quiet when in doubt of the impact, or even propriety, of your words.

One more interpretation of this card can be indicating towards the travel plans that don’t go well.

So, if you can, please try making any important trip, tour etc, especially a one which is being planned since long.

Tuesday, 9 July 2013




Quiet trying a month you have, Scorpions, ahead of you. The Judgment, in reversed form, is a card for loss, guilt and self-reproach for the loss incurred.

This means one thing for sure. You would, inevitably, have to deal with some or the other kind of loss-whether it shall be your own loss, or someone else’s for which you would feel or be held responsible.
And that you would have to deal with the reprimanding for the abovementioned losses –more your own than others’-is also one more sure thing. The reason probably would be that the circumstances surrounding the unfortunate loss would be so that you would feel that it occurred because of you.

But you also need to get over and past this sense of self-accusation, for this can just cause you more and more fear, stopping you from moving ahead-blurred by paranoia-and thus bars your growth, without serving any positive purpose.

One more negative tendency that this card warns against is obstinacy, and a refusal to move with change, against the change-even when the change is most necessary.
This too serves no other purpose except causing more-and-more delays to your plans, growth and development.

The last thing that this card warns against is acting without a clear vision of the consequences of your actions-which you performed in the past as well as those which you plan to perform in the due course of your plans.

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Sunday, 7 July 2013




My dear Librans, though you undoubtedly are my favorite Zodiac natives (my heartiest apologies to fellow Virginians), but this wouldn’t stop me from being reprimanding where I find you going wrong-and tipping your scales away from the harmony that you need.

The Queen of Pentacles, in reversed form, shows that you would go very much suspicious, materialistic and insecure.
You would go about worrying yourself sick about the financial matters and being overly protective about the people about you-to such an extent that you have become downright unpleasant and suffocating; stifling their growth and progress.

You shall be no longer yourself-the real, natural you that you are. You would become too involved and tangled up in materialistic issues-like career, finances etc. - to take care of your emotions, and your spiritual self.

And that might seriously tarnish your reputation. People may take you to be overly career-oriented and overambitious, with a come-what-may determination for moving ahead with finances.
And that’s highly unfortunate because in reality, this month would turn you, inwardly at least, very much child-like. Your emotions would be immature and irresponsible-but not the least cold, calculating and aloof persona that you would be projecting.

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Saturday, 6 July 2013




Once again, if the natives of other sun positions would excuse me, I would be reverting from “you” to “we” and from “your” to “our”; the reason being a very simple one-to show my special solidarity and empathy to the Virginians, for I happen to be one of them.

The Ace of Wands, at least on the preliminary level, is basically a very simple and basic card. Aces mean new and Wands indicate ideas.
So the primary meaning of this card, Ace of Wands, is simply -“There’s a new idea waiting for you out there; waiting for you to start working on it.”
Furthermore, since it came out in upright position, so we need not fear much. The result is assured to turn out to be good, and the hassling complications aroused by the reversed card-especially a basic one like this- have spared us.

Also, the Ace of Wands also tells us that we would do well do be creative and original about this idea. I know that it’s a bit difficult, but aren’t we, the Virgos, the last people one would ever expect to run away from hardships???
Besides, it also suites our perfectionist mind to be original, isn't it?


Ace of Wands is also a card of travel. So it might be that this idea of ours may take us for a travel as well.

In your career, you might get to start something new as well. Maybe you might move to a new job. Or you may step to a new level or position (presumably a higher one than previous, as the card stands not reversed but upright) in the same organization or institution that you are working with right now.

You may even get a new project to work on, covering one or more-maybe even all- the aspects of this card.

You might get to travel for it, you may step onto a new level (get promoted or get transferred, to a new department or a new place) and you would then definitely need some new ideas for the job.

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Your fortunes are in a back gear, Your High and Mighty Majesties- retreating. The luck is about to take back what it had endowed upon you some time ago.

Coming up are the times of misfortunes and unpleasant surprises. But most of all, you will start to feel-at least a little, even if you are super-cynical-your life and its problems ‘fated’-predestined, inevitable, inescapable.
You will start to feel yourself losing control of your life, feelings and emotions. And here it lays the catch.
Though it’s beyond doubt that it is indeed the fate which is pitting problems against you, but it’s YOU-and only YOU-who can get over them-if you want to end things fast.

But there are upsides to this card too, so you need not fret too much-Too much of worry diminishes regal beings, like you undoubtedly are, to the generalized, mundane level of ordinary existence, you know.

What are they??


Firstly, this is a very temporary card; and chances are that your problems may fizz out themselves by the end of the month-though you do need to work on them if you want them to end sooner.
Good or bad; the times heralded by this card are very short-tenured. Neither does the good luck shown by it lasts much, nor the bad.

Secondly, as you already do know (and so is probably almost useless to remind you) that bad times end only when they have, at least, scraped their lowest point. And this card says that those times aren’t too far away. Soon the wheel shall rise to a high point (or at least neutral one) and all shall be well once again.

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Friday, 5 July 2013



I know what are you thinking, my dear crabs. I can clearly see many of you clawing whatever you can find, in fear, when you see the title of the card.
But you have got no reason to fret, my dear crabs. No matter what the name of this card suggest, this one doesn't signify death-at least not here.
But, The Death is definitely a card for endings-and new beginnings as well. It signifies the termination of the old-old and inconsequential; things, people, and habits that serve no purpose whatsoever in your life, and need be replaced by the new.


The changes that follow this card-only in the sense that it tells beforehand of their coming and not actually causes them to occur; as Tarot is only a fore teller and not the cause of events-are usually rather shocking and  unexpected events. But after you have got over their shock, you will find yourself at the foot of a brand new start. Your life shall have acquired a whole new meaning.

“It is the time for an all-new transformation phase” is the message of this card.

And you would do best to embrace and welcome, whole heartedly, the changes that come your way.

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Thursday, 4 July 2013



Basically Nine of Swords is a card of anxiety and despair. It shows that this month shall see you grappling against the circumstances, engulfed in apprehension and desolation.
But, on the other hand, this card also heralds of a time where your hardships, once they have had their peak, may start to fade away-only if you are sensible enough to notice that and not worry yourselves in excess.

This card also shows that many of your problems, or the high degrees of them, exist only on the level of your mental planes rather than hard actuality.
If you notice the figure in the picture, though she has nine swords over her, all of them are there in such a manner that their points form a nearly smooth arc, implying that they’re fastened there and shall not fall over the maiden, however perplexed she appears with their presence.
In the same fashion, many of your problems might either be exaggerated figments of your own imagination or, at least, might not be in as bad a shape as you perceive them to be.
May be some of them might even be there just to annoy you and rob you of your night’s sleep rather than to do some actual harm; just like I may stand in front of you with an empty gun(though I wouldn’t let you know that) and wave it in your face just to terrorize you.

If your tensions and worries are there regarding a relationship, stop looking for superficial solutions to the problem.

You are flustered on a deep, maybe unconscious or subconscious, level. And so wading into the shore pools will not get you anywhere. Either come out of the waters completely, let go of all the worries and let destiny run its own course or go into the deepest abysses of your mind, heart and soul to get a grip on the problem.

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The Hierophant is a card symbolizing the moral law. It tells you, my dear bulls, that this month, be more moralistic than ‘provident’ or ‘realistic’.
This does not mean that you need to throw the practical caution or approach down your side window. Rather, this card says that when in a dilemma of choice between what’s moral and what’s legal, what’s right and what’s beneficial (which opportunists often christen ‘practical’ but what’s actually disguised-selfishness), always go for the moral one this month rather than the other one.
For example: you see a handsome amount entered in your bank account even when no such amount is due into it. Then, following the simple logic, it is clear that it happened by accident. Then the moral approach would be to try to find the person who committed this mistake and return the amount; while legally you’re at liberty to keep it because the person did it out of what’s legally ‘free will’.
Then here, The Hierophant asks you to take the moral option. I know the latter one is easier and much more lucrative too, but it shall cause you a nearly-unredeemable moral lapse.

This card also advises you to take the guidance and advice from a wise, experienced and efficient advisor if some issue is too big or complicated for you to handle all by yourself.

There’s one more choice which The Hierophant rules-the one between age-old wisdom and newfound brilliance, between the traditional, and conventional; and the latest.

This card favors all the former ones, and asks you to follow the suite.

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This card looks anything but cheerful, my dear rams, and so does your upcoming month.

If you are already undergoing some sort of suffering, I'm so sorry to have to break this to you but, be prepared for some more. If not, be ready for a not-so-moderate dose of it.

Ruin and desolation shall be dogging your footsteps the whole month, so watch out for them and be on every tenterhook that you can; because this month you can't be too cautious.

But don't throw up your hands in despair and wail out your hearts, Martians. At least not yet!!!!

There's a way to avoid, or at least mitigate or minimize, your ordeals and sufferings, if only you keep a bit of patience. I know it's hard for you Mars-dwellers; but I assure you it won't be the least hard than what Ten of Swords wants to offer you.

First of all, I want you to carefully observe the figure in the card. Though it is lying on the ground, stabbed by not one or two but ten swords, I assure you he's not dead. Yet.
This symbolizes the hope I want to give to you.
Now look at the sky. Though it's very dark at most parts, but there's also a streak of light out there. What does this symbolize??? Of course, sunrise. Though till now clouds have been covering the sky, but now their regime is about to crumble. The sun is all set to rise.
Likewise, in spite of many difficulties and challenges that you shall definitely face this July, the hope for your redemption shall never be totally lost. All you'll have to do is to keep an eye open for it, and it shall stop your insides from freezing due to the storm clouds and blizzards of life.

Let me tell you a secret, which should brighten you up (a pinch at least). There's no arguing the fact that this card, Ten of Swords, is indeed a formidable and unlucky one. But being 'reversed' does dilute it to a great extent. Being in reversed form, it indicates that the situation in itself is not as bad as the way you perceive it. You are making a mountain out of, though definitely not a molehill, a hill. Problems might not be as bad as you make them yourself.

Furthermore, your negative, pessimistic attitude may even stop you from witnessing the moment of ending of your sufferings. You may not realize when have your problems ended and new phases of your life begun. And if this indeed happens, it shall be very unfortunate because then you wouldn't even be able to come out of the despite and negativity.

However, if you indeed want to achieve this, you need to ascertain something. Liberate yourself of old patterns of behavior and thoughts, drop the emotional baggage that you might have gathered during your hard times and turn over a whole new leaf. Your life would be too cluttered if you try to accommodate both the old and the new.

This card indicates a turn for the better.

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