Sunday, 4 August 2013




You’ll be having a feeling of some kind of ‘lack’ in your life, this month- it’s hard to say whether it’ll be material, financial (these two are way too separate things, please keep in mind, and not the same; as often perceived/imagined), emotional, spiritual, social, or anything else.
But its presence is inevitable and undeniable, that’s for sure.

You might perceive yourself to be deprived or victimized-in life, in emotions, in relationships and who-knows-what-else.


It might also be the case that you yourself would be causing the neglect that is making you suffer.
For example-you might get so much engrossed in your work that you may end up being careless about your emotional needs-like spending time with your family, friends or partner; or you might be neglecting some actual needs of your body-health wise-stating, probably to yourself only, that you don’t have the required time to look after yourself.

Your finances are one thing that you might want to look into, if nothing else.
Troubles are brewing up, inviting hard times-and maybe unemployment too (though the last one comes in the least probability and the worst case).
These hard times might force you to simplify or change your lifestyle to a more humble track.
Re-evaluating what’s more important to you-and prioritizing accordingly- could be a good way to spend these hard times- and wheedle out positive things out of what might be looking to you as the darkest times- with no silver linings visible on the horizon.

Friday, 2 August 2013



The reversed star forewarns of trying situations. It heralds a time when the circumstances shall test your mental strength rather than the physical one. The problems you’ll be facing this month will make you think things like, “Am I actually good enough for it????”, “Did I do right to take up this task???” and most importantly, “Should I even be standing here?????”

But my dear impatient rams (oh yes, you are impatient and not just speedy, quick thinking and quick-acting, as you say), that’s exactly what the star is warning you against. The problems exist, or are posed by the fate in front of you (choose whichever you like); only to see whether or not can you avoid such thinking. Such thinking may lead to lost opportunities (which you could have definitely played on otherwise) only because you were too stymied to grab it.


Don’t lack faith in the life itself-or in yourself. This is a very hazardously negative attitude which may lead to a very unfortunate consequence-You might turn into so cynical a being that you wouldn’t have the least faith in the solution to your problems even when it comes dancing right under your nose.

You might also be getting a feeling that there’s no viable alternative solution to the problem that you’re facing. But that is so not the case. There’re still a lot of hopes-you’re just too lulled and stifled by the non-stimulating circumstances to spot it.
And to overcome this, you need a SHOCK THERAPY.
You need a good dose of a shock or a jerk to wake you up and see the potentialities of the situation as they are.

You might also take a holiday, or at least a small rest, from what life demands of you.