Monday, 23 December 2013

TAURUS’ 2014

TAURUS’ 2014


The combination of these two cards appears to be contradictory in the first look, patient Taureans. But as you always do, be a little patient and bear with me for a while-and see how this conflict is resolved so easily.

The Hanged Man is a symbol of a pause or a limbo that
would infest you this year. Last year was favoring you a bit; adding up to 6(and 6 is the number of Venus; who rules Taurus too). However, entering into 2014, you would no longer have the VIP treatment and need to toil like the other numbers did in 2013. But the good thing is- nobody is lesser afraid of hard work than the bulls.

On the other hand, the Magician is an image of new’s;new opportunities, the importance of new enterprise and most importantly-the assurance that you have the willpower and initiative to take it to the finish line.

It also shows that you need to think on your feet-which, I know, you don’t like at all.

So to resolve the conflict; here’s what I think can be a viable interpretation of this combination:-

The Magician would indeed present you with new opportunities, both within your current enterprise as well as of starting a new one as well(though I would personally suggest you the latter); but to take full advantage of it, you need to develop some really fats thinking, as it is not a natural astrological trait in you.
If you fail at this, the result would be The Hanged Man-the limbo or standstill unless you do.


This card again is a symbol quick thinking and perceptional decision making. You need to take it as another nudge in the direction of speeding up your grey matter.
 The Queen of Swords also depicts combining sympathy with rational thinking. It is when you combine the two that you are able to achieve the real clarity of thought and
would be able to plan shrewdly. Going on either one of the extremes(cold intellect or hot emotionalism) would need to be avoided.

Also, this card indicates a need to concentrate your focus as well. Circumstances may try to waver your attentions this year (7[=2014] is the number of dreamy distractions and muddy thinking as well) but you need to remain focused on your goals and objectives. That would be the only way to overcome the obstacles.


Four of Swords is the card of mental consolidation. It represents a time for you to review your past actions and words, and the consequences and impact they had. It’s time elucidate the track and course of life, to reflect over and make sense of life itself.
If you’re able to distinguish between sound opportunities, that offer a solid growth, and prospects of futile efforts; that shall surely be a time-savior in the long run.
Anyhow, you need to spare time to pause, sit down and spend quite time for reflection, because thoughts about the future and its possibilities can otherwise over-excite you, scatter your (precious, mind you) energies or cause you disturbance and pain.

Thursday, 19 December 2013

ARIES’ 2014

ARIES’ 2014


The first card, my dear rams, is the High Priestess.

She is a guardian of secrets. Her appearance here indicates a secret.
You’d either be keeping wishing for the revelation of one or you shall end up having or guarding one. Or else, she may be indicating the right time for the revelation of some secret that has been kept hidden in the past.
As a symbol of your intuitiveness and the depths of your subconscious and unconscious mind, she is your guide who’ll help you in tapping into your full potential and deriving power from the inner self. 

The occurrence of this card is also a nudge for you in the direction of more trust over your instincts. Let your intuition lead the way.
It may even be representing a person-someone who is capable of offering you a prudent counsel.

For male rams out there, it might also be signifying a very-maybe most- important woman in your life.
Either she’s about to enter your life; or, if already there, she has a significant role to play in shaping your destiny this year.


The Hermit is a symbol of introspection and solitude. It asks you to be patient and seek the guidance and advice before taking any further actions. 

I know patience has been one of your pet peeves since eternity; but still, a little patience once in a while can’t hurt, isn't it??

The Hermit symbolizes a careful consideration of issues in hand. You may also end up wishing for some peace and quiet before getting back into the hectic schedule of the things.
And that would be a really wise thing to do-because the appearance of this card doesn't only nudge towards the direction of slowness and patience; it also warns you against acting otherwise.
Also, this time alone would enable you to understand your own past better-you would gain an insight into your past actions, events and behaviors, enabling you to be a better person in the future.

This month, it would be better not to take any decisions in haste and take advice from someone you trust before acting any further.

This reflection would also reduce the required efforts in realization of your goals because the careful planning that would follow this deep reflection would eliminate, by foresight, the unnecessary labors.

If you’re suffering from any health problems, the rest, peace and solitude would prove to be beneficial in recovering form it as well.


If you are already undergoing some sort of suffering, I'm so sorry to have to break this to you but, be prepared for some more. If not, be ready for a not-so-moderate dose of it.

Ruin and desolation shall be dogging your footsteps the whole month, so watch out for them and be on every tenterhook that you can; because this year you can't be too cautious.

But don't throw up your hands in despair and wail out your hearts, Martians. At least not yet!!!!

There's a way to avoid, or at least mitigate or minimize, your ordeals and sufferings, if only you keep a bit of patience. I know it's hard for you Mars-dwellers; but I assure you it won't be the least hard than what Ten of Swords wants to offer you.

First of all, I want you to carefully observe the figure in the card. Though it is lying on the ground, stabbed by not one or two but ten swords, I assure you he's not dead. Yet.
This symbolizes the hope I want to give to you.
Now look at the sky. Though it's very dark at most parts, but there's also a streak of light out there. What does this symbolize??? Of course, sunrise. Though till now clouds have been covering the sky, but now their regime is about to crumble. The sun is all set to rise.
Likewise, in spite of many difficulties and challenges that you shall definitely face this July, the hope for your redemption shall never be totally lost. All you'll have to do is to keep an eye open for it, and it shall stop your insides from freezing due to the storm clouds and blizzards of life.

Let me tell you a secret, which should brighten you up (a pinch at least). There's no arguing the fact that this card, Ten of Swords, is indeed a formidable and unlucky one. But being 'reversed' does dilute it to a great extent. Being in reversed form, it indicates that the situation in itself is not as bad as the way you perceive it. You are making a mountain out of, though definitely not a molehill, a hill. Problems might not be as bad as you make them yourself.

Furthermore, your negative, pessimistic attitude may even stop you from witnessing the moment of ending of your sufferings. You may not realize when have your problems ended and new phases of your life begun. And if this indeed happens, it shall be very unfortunate because then you wouldn't even be able to come out of the despite and negativity.

However, if you indeed want to achieve this, you need to ascertain something. Liberate yourself of old patterns of behavior and thoughts, drop the emotional baggage that you might have gathered during your hard times and turn over a whole new leaf. Your life would be too cluttered if you try to accommodate both the old and the new.

This card indicates a turn for the better.

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