Monday, 13 January 2014

LEOS’ 2014

  LEOS’ 2014


This is a card of decisions, when put in the simplest way. It’s an indication that an important choice awaits you this year- and you better be careful about it. This would be an important choice; with implications over your beliefs about and position in your life.

I would request you to observe the picture carefully. The woman there sits with two swords-as if to protect herself-but blindfolded; and thus unable to protect herself altogether. 
To know more about these choices; I added a card to each side of this one. One of them was THE LOVERS and the other was EIGHT OF SWORDS.

The Lovers
This card has a much deeper significance, other than the obvious indication of a couple-as depicted. This card also asks you to combine both the masculine and feminine traits –present already; inside you as well as everyone else, more or less.
So apart from saying that a new love is all set to enter your life; this card also presents you with a choice as well-between your heart’s desire and the call of duty. Though you may not even know yourself the source of this love, but its entry would be undeniable and unavoidable-and so would be the test it would bring.

You would have the two ways out-you could either take a risk, and it would have a promise for the new heights of happiness and emotional fulfillment. OR if you think the stakes are too high for you to take the risk, you can stick to your call of duty; and things would remain just the same-no losses, and definitely no gains due to refusing to rise to the opportunity.

Eight of Swords
This card is one of those where a Tarot Card Reader isn’t needed much for interpretations.  We can see lady-hands bound and eyes obstructed. 
This may be describing a situation where you don’t know what the situation exactly is, and how can you do anything about it. Plus you’re powerless too, when it comes to interfering effectively (your hands are tied, remember??) 
Then the question is-“what can we do in such a situation??” 
The answer lies, again, in the card itself. Look carefully at the figure’s feet and legs. Neither are they bound nor are any swords in front and back of her. They’re there just on her sides, obstructing movement-and/or depicting elements of danger-in those directions; and thus away from the situation. But she’s not aware of it. So she rather tries to either move sideways-look at her posture- or she tries to free her hands. 

Analogically, in situations where your knowledge is inadequate and/or your powers of action are limited, plus there’s an element of danger too; it would be a better ploy to move away from the situation-at least for a while, if not permanently.

So, all in all, the Two of Swords provides you with the following options and situations:

Most probably, a new love is about to enter your life (may, or may not, be a person); and you’d know nothing about it, except that it does have promises of escalation of happiness and emotional fulfillment. You’re free to choose it, reject it or do nothing about it. If you do nothing about it, it would also require you to move away from an unfamiliar situation-which, I think, is having any kind of contact with the object or person personifying this ‘new love’ in case you decide to do nothing about it.

Your fortunes are in a back gear, Your High and Mighty Majesties- retreating. The luck is about to take back what it had endowed upon you some time ago.

Coming up are the times of misfortunes and unpleasant surprises. But most of all, you will start to feel-at least a little, even if you are super-cynical-your life and its problems ‘fated’-predestined, inevitable, inescapable.
You will start to feel yourself losing control of your life, feelings and emotions. And here it lays the catch.
Though it’s beyond doubt that it is indeed the fate which is pitting problems against you, but it’s YOU-and only YOU-who can get over them-if you want to end things fast.

But there are upsides to this card too, so you need not fret too much-Too much of worry diminishes regal beings, like you undoubtedly are, to the generalized, mundane level of ordinary existence, you know.
What are they??
Firstly, this is a very temporary card; and chances are that your problems may fizz out themselves by the end of the month-though you do need to work on them if you want them to end sooner.
Good or bad; the times heralded by this card are very short-tenured. Neither does the good luck shown by it lasts much, nor the bad.

Secondly, as you already do know (and so is probably almost useless to remind you) that bad times end only when they have, at least, scraped their lowest point. And this card says that those times aren’t too far away. Soon the wheel shall rise to a high point (or at least neutral one) and all shall be well once again.


On the personal front, I think things aren't that complicated for you guys. The Ace of Pentacles represents a new opportunity for growth and development; on the material front.

But it also indicates a lot of energy-perhaps a bit too much. So the energy needs to be contained and channelized in a proper direction.
A new job or a new position within your current job/organization is also shown by this card.

Sunday, 12 January 2014


                           CANCERS’ 2014


This card is one of the most richly symbolized of all; in the suite of pentacles. With a number of meanings and interpretations, it’s making your life ahead interesting and eventful.
On the most basic level, it heralds a material and/or financial gain; indicating a good time ahead this year; in these fields of your life.

And these blessings wouldn’t be just lucky shot-they would be rewards of your own efforts.
In the picture; the figure stands alone-surrounded by so many coins (the pentacles). This shows that your personal needs would have more than enough to look after; and financial supply for your own needs wouldn’t run out.

The card also shows a lot of nature around you-signaling you to spend some time outdoors; because that’s where you’d find the wealth as well as would be joyfully enjoying it.

However, I’m sure you might have noticed that by now, the figure stand alone. This may indicate an emotional isolation-in spite of having everything else you could possibly wish for.
And this ‘everything’ could very well have been the reason for this.
Nine of Pentacles is also a sign of hard work, discipline and practical approach and planning up to this point of time. And none of them are very good friends of emotions. But now all your personal burdens have been seen to; and you can safely concentrate on your extra-material needs.

Not only romantic partners, but this card also indicates a high time to start looking back at all the people once close to you-that you were forced to walk too ahead of for them to keep up- and seeing if you could possibly rope them back in your circle.
A high time for group projects and goals on the career/financial front can also be expected; if you had been working alone until now.


This is the card of ‘mental acceptance to change’. The change that it wants to talk about may (or may not) refer to the ending of the old and persevered, but yet obsolete, emotional situation.
Whatever the change might be, it would most likely be occurring through an exchange of words, where each person would be speaking out their minds-and not necessarily agreeing with each other. So you wouldn’t be wrong in concluding that, in the simplest forms, this card depicts disputes and arguments.
It may also be hinting towards a parting of ways as the final outcome of the dispute (see the way the figures in the backdrop have their backs turned towards the central one, in a pose of walking away).

But don’t despair so fast. Since this card is not reversed, so the effect of this parting wouldn’t be a negative one on your lives. And, on a definitive upside, if you love winning arguments, no matter what (well, most Gemini natives do), then you can be assured that you would emerge out to be the winner out of this argument.
A downside could be that you would offend people so much while en route to this victory that when the moment would come for you to lift your trophy (the swords in your hand), you may find yourself a bit too much deserted.
Then it lies on your shoulders to decide whether to, or not to, go for this victory because every body’s lives are different; and even Tarot Cards cannot give any cut-and-dried formula that would apply in each of the cases.


To be honest; I can’t pretend to have a single morsel of thrill to have this card before me-and neither should you.
However, there’re some lessons in this card that you need to learn-either the hard way (by letting this card come true in its full form and figure) or the easy way (may come across as anything but easy to you in the first look; but is actually the better end of the deal. Trust me on that. You don’t want ‘The Tower’ to teach you a lesson.).

The lesson is of not having too much attachment-to anything. It could be a person, a treasured possession or some really old habit that you never plan to come out of.

The Tower is the harbinger of a change-that is approaching too speedily to avoid. Your life is sure to be put on a testing table. You would do better to go along with it- and ensure personally that you have your life back in one piece.

The best you can do is to humbly accept the change that it asks for-and maybe you could avoid even more dire consequences of having the fate change it.
For example; if you have an addictive habit (tobacco, alcohol, or even eating with a particular spoon), you would do better to shed it yourself-rather than make the circumstances make you do it, in their own way. Their ‘ways’ can include terminal stage of cancer, liver sclerosis or even making you lose the particular spoon along with lots of other things in the bag where you keep it.

The change would still be happening in any case whatsoever. But in the former, at least you would be allowed the saving grace of saying that you left the particular thing yourself; and nobody had to force you for it.

Sunday, 5 January 2014


                    GEMINIS’ 2014


I don’t think I need to explain much in the case of this card, Geminians. The imagery says it all-or at least a large part of it.

As you can see very well, the figurine on this card is leaving behind the well-prepared and elaborate structure that it, presumably, had prepared itself. He/she had definitely put in a lot of effort and energy, along with even more of patience and time, to take this structure to the height that it has attained.
Don’t you think it would be attached to it? Of course it must have been.

But as we can see very well, it has now left it behind and is now aiming for a new thing (did you see those mountain peaks??); and he/she knows that carrying this set-up (or its components too) is not a practically viable option. So he/she is leaving them behind, and has totally given up on them-since we don’t find him/her looking back towards it.

And this is a message for you.

This card asks you to show the similar strength and resilience as the hero/heroine of this story. This year, you need to outgrow some emotions.
You need to drop the emotional baggage that is thwarting your progress. The reason I emphasize on this baggage being emotional is that the cups are the suite of emotions in the Tarot.
There must be some relationships or other emotional entanglements that might have taken a lot from you to be built. But as of now, they do not hold any meaning to or serve any purpose in your today’s scenario. So, no matter how painful or heartless it may seem-not only to others but to you yourself even-get out of the relations and other things that are tying you down to lower levels when, without them, you could be rising higher. At the end of the day (or year, rather), when you would look back, you would definitely feel that not walking out was better than not doing so. 


This is the card of ‘mental acceptance to change’. The change that it wants to talk about may (or may not) refer to the ending of the old and persevered, but yet obsolete, emotional situation.
Whatever the change might be, it would most likely be occurring through an exchange of words, where each person would be speaking out their minds-and not necessarily agreeing with each other. So you wouldn't be wrong in concluding that, in the simplest forms, this card depicts disputes and arguments.
It may also be hinting towards a parting of ways as the final outcome of the dispute (see the way the figures in the backdrop have their backs turned towards the central one, in a pose of walking away).

But don’t despair so fast. Since this card is not reversed, so the effect of this parting wouldn't be a negative one on your lives. And, on a definitive upside, if you love winning arguments, no matter what (well, most Gemini natives do), then you can be assured that you would emerge out to be the winner out of this argument.
A downside could be that you would offend people so much while en route to this victory that when the moment would come for you to lift your trophy (the swords in your hand), you may find yourself a bit too much deserted.
Then it lies on your shoulders to decide whether to, or not to, go for this victory because every body’s lives are different; and even Tarot Cards cannot give any cut-and-dried formula that would apply in each of the cases.


Like the two predecessors of it, this card also is one of those where a Tarot Card Reader isn't needed much for interpretations.

We can see a lady-hands bound and eyes obstructed.
This may be describing a situation where you don’t know what the situation exactly is, and how can you do anything about it. Plus you’re powerless too, when it comes to interfering effectively (your hands are tied, remember??)
Then the question is-“what can we do in such a situation??”
The answer lies, again, in the card itself. Look carefully at the figure’s feet and legs. Neither are they bound nor are any swords in front and back of her. They’re there just on her sides, obstructing movement-and/or depicting elements of danger-in those directions; and thus away from the situation. But she’s not aware of it. So she rather tries to either move sideways-look at her posture- or she tries to free her hands.
Analogically, in situations where your knowledge is inadequate and/or your powers of action are limited, plus there’s an element of danger too; it would be a better ploy to move away from the situation-at least for a while, if not permanently.

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